Frequently asked questions
Didn’t find an answer to your question? Contact the customer service of your mobile network operator.
I already have online banking codes for identifying purposes. Do I also need Mobile certificate?
To be on the safe side, every Finnish citizen should have more than one method of identifying themselves on digital services. You should use your online banking codes for banking services while opting for Mobile certificate with other services.
Is the use of Mobile certificate based on an individual’s phone number?
Yes, the use of service will continue to be based on an individual’s phone number.
How is the data processed? Does my mobile network operator transfer my data to third parties?
The service is a subject to communications confidentiality. User data is not sold to third parties nor is it being used for operators’ marketing purposes.
Who oversees Mobile certificate and its maintenance?
Mobile network operators are jointly responsible for the development and production of Mobile certificate. This ensures minimal differences between the services provided by the operators.
How do I gain access to the service?
As a business customer, you can adopt the service from your mobile network operator. The service is available for all mobile connections. Contact your mobile network operator for more information!